My Life Today

Into His Presence

Hello there, I pray that you have taken some inspiration from my story. It is a fact that God loves us and has promised us that he will take care of us and meet our needs. He has continued to do that for me in many ways and I know it is because I chose to keep my eyes on Him, to run to Him instead of away. Much has happened to me over the past few years and God has rained down His blessing on me. Just like God promised, when I needed shelter and didnt have a place to live I was actually given a house and then from many others I was given the furniture to fill this house. I wanted a motorcycle to ride and get out on the road and just spend time with God. I didnt tell anyone other than God and I got a motorcycle given to me for Christmas last year. God is awesome. What we have to realize is that He is our heavenly father and just like any other father he wants what is best for us and he wants to give us the desires of our heart. God rewards those who are faithful. Yes God has moved mightily in my life, but He is no respecter of persons. He will move in your life too if you will just ask Him to. I did, in fact one night I prayed to him and described to Him what I wanted in a wife and then I thanked him for meeting that need in my life. Praise God, on April 29 of 2002 I married TJ. She is without exception the answer to the prayer that I had prayed. She is awesome and I believe that she loves Jesus more than I do. I love her zeal and she is so beautiful. Along with TJ I got two more beautiful children. They are sweet kids and I am looking forward to watching them grow up. God also gave me a good job, getting me back into the computer support field.

     Anyway I just wanted to let you know that God is still taking care of me and I am still moving forward and following Christ. My desire to serve Him is even greater now, plus now I have a wife that is just as eager to be used by Him. Please listen to the words that I have spoken, there just is no quality of life without Jesus.

Well its time for the next chapter in my life as TJ and I prepair for the arrival our child. TJ and I have stepped down from our responsibilites at Abounding Word Fellowship. Both of us have known for quite some time that God was calling us on, but did not know where or when. It became very aparent when we were told that the church was going to move to Stillwater OK. TJ and I prayed and felt the release from God. At first I wanted to go to the Tulsa to one the the big churches but we just kept feeling God calling us to a local church. We started attending the local Assembly and very soon it became aparent that we were right where God wanted us. The pastor has been wanting to introduce some changes in the church; namely in the Praise and Worship and two weeks ago  he envited me to start introducing some newer style music. So far God has really been moving. The younger generation as well as the older generation are responding and beginning to worship God again. Worship is becoming what it is meant to be rather than a humdrum excercise.  
     The birth of our daughter is nearing and I will update this site again when she arrives.
January 14, 2004
God has continued to bless TJ and I. On January 14th. TJ gave birth to Hannah Krystine, she is absolutely beautiful, as most fathers would say. She was born 9lbs 14oz. and 20.5 inches long.
January 14, 2005
Hard to believe it has been a year already. Hannah is growing like a weed. She is very smart and a true joy in my life.  
I have moved to Leander Texas. I am working for a stone yard. It is very interesting work. I am also getting very active in the local Assembly of God church.  I am currently a member of the praise and worship team and mens ministry. I like this church very much and look forward to service there.
TJ and I are still living in Leander, however in January of 2005 My son Tommy came to live with TJ and I, Hannan is now 2 years old and I have been working for Schwans food company since Nov 2005. We are attending services at White Stone Assembly of God in Cedar Park Texas.